Wednesday 9 April 2014

Kure All Cream and Fever Blisters/Cold Sores

Cold sores are caused by the Herpes simplex virus type one (HSV- 1). When the virus enters your body it travels to the ‘top’ end of your nerves and lies dormant, without causing symptoms. However, with a suitable trigger - such as stress, fever, menstruation, fatigue, alcohol, smoking, medication that suppresses the immune system, even sunshine - the virus can quickly move back to your nerve endings and begins to replicate itself this is how cold sores start and their development is often preceded by a tingling or itching sensation.

Kure All Cream alleviates pain and can stop cold sores in their tracks A cold sore typically progresses through four stages: first, tingling with gradual redness and swelling; second, formation of a blister as the virus replicates; third, ulceration as the wound weeps and fails to heal, often accompanied by infection; and finally, scabbing as A crust of blood and pus forms.

Unlike conventional medication, Kure All Cream works at each stage. Used early, at the initial tingling stage, its ability to fight the herpes virus can stop the replication process - thereby preventing a blister developing. Its antibacterial action provided by the ingredient Calendula, can prevent secondary infection or fungal contamination, while its anti-inflainmatory action has a local anaesthetic effect, relieving pain and discomfort. Kure All Cream will healing of the damaged tissue (the ability to promote granulation and speed up formation of new skin cells) thus making the fever blister disappear more rapidly than other treatments available. Scarring and lesions are also greatly reduced.

As Kure All Cream is effective against a variety of organisms, especially Candida Albicans, it is suggested that people who suffer from chronic fever blisters use Kure All Cream as a moisturiser for the lips. This will not only keep the lips in good condition but can prevent further outbreaks of fever blisters.

Kure All Cream is a natural homeopathic remedy and has no side effects thus making it the ideal fever blister treatment for young and old alike.

Shingles at a Glance

Shingles is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox and can be spread to people who have not had chickenpox. Shingles, also known as herpes zoster, is not related to the sexually transmitted herpes virus disease called herpes genitalis. Shingles may cause pain that can continue after the rash disappears. Kure All Cream can be used to treat the pain and discomfort of shingles.

Thursday 27 March 2014

Kure-All Cream & Kure-All Spray

Kure-All cream was developed to improve the health of acne prone skin. The effectiveness of Kure-All Cream is obtained because of the synergism between the different natural ingredients.

These ingredients are extracted from natural products found in the Rain Forests of the Amazon and were selected because of the special properties in each one and when mixed together offer an unique formulation.

Kure-All Cream stimulates micro-circulation which helps the skin to get rid of toxins that can aggravate and cause acne.

Massaged gently twice daily into the skin, after thorough cleansing, Kure-All Cream will promote healing, keep the skin moisturised and prevent further acne outbreaks.

Kure-All Cream is completely natural in composition and has no known side effects.

Now available in a Spray Formulation

Kure-All Spray is an essential part of good acne treatment. After washing the face, keep your eyes covered, spray a thin film of Kure-All Spray onto the areas where acne is present. Allow to dry and then apply Kure-All Cream.

Kure-All Spray is ideal for greasy skin and pustular acne and works quickly and efficiently for these conditions.

See the full Kure-All Range at 

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Welcome to the Watkins Valeur Blog

A Pioneer in the development, distribution and direct selling of Health & Beauty products.

Watkins Valeur, a business firmly associated with the empowerment of women in Africa has been a pioneer in the direct selling industry since the early 1940's. 

Celebrating a track record of more than 7 decades in product development and the distribution of high quality products such as ladies and mens fragrances, toiletries, skincare, homecare and healthcare products, the Watkins Valeur philosophy has prevailed by allowing those associated with the brand to become financially independent.
Watkins Valeur boasts with a distribution network of over 8000 successful independent distributors and agents throughout South Africa, Botswana Namibia, Lesotho, Swaziland, Angola, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Nigeria and Mozambique. By joining the Watkins Valeur Family you are given the key to a better financial future which will enable you to be financially emancipated. 

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